Opportunity Bike Trip

We never thought our passion for biking would take us across Western Europe. However, as Young Ambassadors for Opportunity, we are currently biking from Sweden to Portugal in an effort to raise over $5000 to open a bank in Tanzania through Opportunity International, with help from some great European friends! Opportunity International is a nonproft organization dedicated to reaching the poor through the power of microfinance. My involvement with Opportunity International began with an Insight Trip to Nicaragua, where I experienced firsthand, the impact of microfinance. The trip changed my life and I am now devoted to using my skills to serve the poor. Please help us raise $5000 for Opportunity International, and help others pursue their own dreams: a better life.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Dont Think - Just Bike

Well ladies and gents, it's time to "partir." We are about to leave the beautiful city of Paris and get back into the rhythm of sore butts and uphill battles.

Thanks so much again to Alicia for having three smelly guys (but good looking I must say) stay with her for the weekend. Thanks for all of our friends who saw us this weekend, and yes, we will cry today on the road for you!

Here are some pictures of our last night here, can you tell which one is when Kris realized we have to leave tomorrow and I have to console him?

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