Opportunity Bike Trip

We never thought our passion for biking would take us across Western Europe. However, as Young Ambassadors for Opportunity, we are currently biking from Sweden to Portugal in an effort to raise over $5000 to open a bank in Tanzania through Opportunity International, with help from some great European friends! Opportunity International is a nonproft organization dedicated to reaching the poor through the power of microfinance. My involvement with Opportunity International began with an Insight Trip to Nicaragua, where I experienced firsthand, the impact of microfinance. The trip changed my life and I am now devoted to using my skills to serve the poor. Please help us raise $5000 for Opportunity International, and help others pursue their own dreams: a better life.

Friday, July 31, 2009

A Special Thanks To Our New Host, and those who helped us along the way!!

We are now at Alicia Karpetsky's place in Paris. Needless to say... its quite nice of her to take the three most smelly men in all of France into her home!

here is a cute little picture of us with Alicia, thanks again you wonderful person you!


  1. Hey guys, congratulations on making it to Paris! You are well on your way to Portugal now. Keep up that positive spirit and remember: ENJOY the Good Lord's beautiful creation! Including all the cute cows and lambs and goats, of course. I am in West Michigan now, in the heartland of conservative America. Just survived the first "America-is-going-socialist" discussion...! I just smiled gracefully through it all, without getting into the arguments. Bye for now, heroes, Gert-Jan

  2. Hello Renegade Gang,
    Great to see you're in Paris and glad the Belgian beers didn't mess up your condition too much :-) I guess you deserve a little break. Enjoy Paris and its night live but of course you have all known it before. Since the Spanish border is now in your sight Portugal is already quite a bit closer.
    Keep on pushing those bikes.
    All the best, Bruno
