Opportunity Bike Trip

We never thought our passion for biking would take us across Western Europe. However, as Young Ambassadors for Opportunity, we are currently biking from Sweden to Portugal in an effort to raise over $5000 to open a bank in Tanzania through Opportunity International, with help from some great European friends! Opportunity International is a nonproft organization dedicated to reaching the poor through the power of microfinance. My involvement with Opportunity International began with an Insight Trip to Nicaragua, where I experienced firsthand, the impact of microfinance. The trip changed my life and I am now devoted to using my skills to serve the poor. Please help us raise $5000 for Opportunity International, and help others pursue their own dreams: a better life.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Yes - We Are Alive

Hello all, so its been a while since our last post. Why you may ask? Well lets just say that tiny German towns do not hold a wealth of internet cafes, let alone any at all.

We are alive! We decided to get hotel rooms last night: we biked all day through pouring rain, our bodies tired, and our clothes completey soaked, we arrived in a lovely little town called Cloppenburg, where we got rooms and sampled our last German beer before we reach the Netherlands! So much has happened in this week, and we have many pictures to come once again, however these internet cafes dont let you plug anything in (sad face)

For now though let me give you some of the highlights of the past week...

1) We accidentally went on the autoban, which led to the German police meeting us and escorting us off of it, and they were so nice!

2) I got my third flat tire... yay!

3) We camped in a church sight and a very determined black lab ate all our english muffins, which led to the family bringing us a lovely array of cheeses and meat on freshly baked bread... mmmmmm

4) Woke up that morning at the church and a really nice blacksmith made us hot coffee in his shop.

5) Took two ferrys, and afterwards ended up camping out on a local volunteer firedepartments land where we were greeted by a gentle giant of a german fireman who offerred us fresh fruit

6) Rain and Pain - Biked through terrential downpours (pardon all the grammatical errors by the way I am not adept at this whole German Keyboard) and finally arrived in Cloppenbourg, where we will now head out from to reach Holland!

Pictures of all these things will be up as soon as we stay with Kris´s friend in the Netherlands, where we will actually be able to plug in our cameras!

healthwise, we are all feeling fine, well except our butts are a bit sore, but what are you going to do?

PS. Sausages and curry = yum

Ciao Ciao

1 comment:

  1. I`m a follower of this great adventure. Hipp Hipp Hurray
